Tribute CD Update March 19, 2001

Hey all you Over The Rhine Tribute CD players and pals!

This message was originally sent to my distribution list of Tribute CD folks. If you didn’t get it then, I DO NOT have a current email address for you. You need to get that information to me ASAP!

If you haven’t heard, the official name of the project is “What It Takes To Please You — A Tribute To Over The Rhine”. The website, the best source of up-to-date information, is Submissions are CLOSED. No more tracks!

The webpage has been updated TODAY (3-19-01) with new information… Check it out!

Most of you sent in performance information for your track. If you didn’t, or if ANY information has changed, please re-submit.

I need at LEAST the following information from all of you:

1. Title of Song
2. Name of Band/Performer and who played/did what (EXACT spelling and CAPS!)
3. Track producer & other production credits
4. Website and/or contact information
5. City, State where you’re based
6. Few sentence (ONLY!) free-form whatever… Tell us about your band, your perspective, your mom, whatever. No guarantees, but if we have space, we want to use some of this to round out the listings.

Send it to

Now, if you didn’t submit and want to be removed from this listing, please contact me at and I’ll remove you.

(i wanna be real)

(this email is bulk-sent to those that identified themselves as participants in the Over the Rhine Tribute CD project. if you do not wish to receive future mailings, please reply with “UNSUBSCRIBE” in the subject of your email. you may complain bitterly in the body of your email.)

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