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Fwd: Re: mike knott??

Is this the "Strung Gurus" project, which was said to be acoustic?  I think 
Mike said he'd be using members of Havalina Rail Co. as the back-up band.  
Also, some of the more classical string instruments would be a vital part of 
the mix.  I've been eagerly awaiting this, by virtue of the strength of 
"Strip Cycle" alone. -Matt

n.p. Plankeye- The One and Only

>From: eustace clarence <ecscrubb at swbell_net>
>it is really, really good.
>very quiet and acoustic, for the most part
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Jacob Mishler <mishler77 at yahoo_com>
> > tobi mentioned:
> > >I also listened to Mike Knott's "Life of David" but
> > >couldn't decide to
> > >buy
> > >it, yet.
> >
> > i'm assuming this is a new solo project?! well, i'm
> > off to look for it, no pre-listening necessary...
> > Jay
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